Monday, September 29, 2008

humorous article

For my humorous article I choice an article from The Onion titled, "The 60 Million People You'd Never Talk To Voting For Other Guy". This article is basically about the ignorance and stubborness of the American society. It is talking about how everyone knows they are right and any opinion that is not your own, when it comes to politics, is wrong. The article remarks that if you were to go up to someone with opposite political views than your own and try to suade them into agreeing with you, they never would; and vice versa, if someone tried to persuade you and change your personal political views you would, more than likely, not listen to a word they have to say. The article remarks that every year the list of people you would never talk to, and don't have anything in common with just keeps going up and up because we become even more stubborn and single minded in our views every year. The article used surveys and reports to prove their statement, even though it is mocking the American society.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Politicians Today: Not Just Your Average Joe

When I turn on the TV to watch my favorite shows, sex and the city, friends, and full house, the main thing I focus on is their outfit. I love watching the styles change through the seasons of all of these shows. I love how everything from their hair to their shoes becomes more fashionable as the years go on. When one is watching a political conference on TV, while I know they are more focused on what they are hearing rather than what they are seeing, their personal style truly does affect how we feel about our candidates. Fashion in politics, especially in this day and age, influences our personal lives whether we realize it or not.
Within the last decade fashion has become a huge aspect in United States citizen’s lives. Celebrities have set the bar for what we consider “beautiful” and “fashionable”. However, it seems as though our politicians are now following these trends, and even setting a few of their own. Sarah Palin has been sporting a pair of Kazuo Kawasaki glasses, model 704, No. 34 gray. These glasses have become a huge phenomenon over America. In fact, the owner of Oak Lawn boutique Image Eyewear, which sells the glasses Sarah Palin made so popular, confirmed that, his “phone has been ringing nonstop from people around the country looking to get in on the latest fashion trend”. In fact, the shape of the frame has been called SP, and people are beginning to speculate whether this SP is in reference to Sarah Palin. The pricey lightweight titanium frames, which cost $375, come in several colors and styles. Mr. Brown, the owner of the Oak Lawn boutique Image Eyewear, remarked that people wanting to get their hands on a pair of the glasses are going to have to wait because they are being taken as soon as they hit the shelves. Because of Sarah Palin’s fashionable glasses, she has received positive publicity without even opening her mouth. David Letterman stated that, “the Statue of Liberty earlier today was wearing a pair of those hip Sarah Palin glasses”. While several people have commented negatively on Sarah Palin’s personal life, American citizens have only good things to say about her fashion sense. In fact, while celebrities are usually the main, and only, focus during New York’s fashion week our current politicians were observed and spoken of during fashion week.
An article from Life & Style on New York fashion week presents fashion from McCain’s wife, Cindy McCain, Obama’s wife, Michelle Obama, and, of course, Sarah Palin. This article, titled “NY fashion: politics, celebs, and unsexy clothes”, comments that, “the country became increasingly obsessed with Michelle Obama’s shift dresses, Cindy McCain’s expenditure and, of course, Sarah Palin’s glasses”. The article remarks that fashion week designers had to try and outdo the new publicity that our politicians are getting, “Fashion designers reacted by trying to outdo the competition”. Fashion designers responded by showing their support to certain candidates in order to attain more publicity, and popularity. For example, Diane von Furstenberg and Marc Jacobs, who were prominent Clinton supporters, stuck with the Democrats and backed up Obama. The article stated that, “This week's fashion icon was Cindy McCain, with stiff hair and Mad Men-style 1950s dresses becoming increasingly popular.” Fashion has always been a huge aspect in life and now it is even overtaking our politicians.
Personally, I have never really coincided fashion and politics. However, I have clearly been proven wrong because these politicians have what it takes when it comes to being in style, and fashionable. Politicians these days are now right alongside celebrities in setting new trends and new standards of beautiful. I feel as though Politicians are sending out better messages than celebrities when it comes to what is beautiful because Politicians are proving to women that being smart and successful is beautiful. They are proving that one does not simply need to be rich with a stupid reality TV show to be considered beautiful and fashionable. My next question is this: does fashion really change the way we vote? It’s clear that it changes the way we look at our politicians, but does this in turn change our voting behavior? If a man that had the best qualifications, the best intentions and the best plans for our country showed up to a speech in torn jeans and a dirty shirt, would we not vote for him because of the way he looked? Several people would probably not vote for him because our President will be representing us and, as Americans, we want to be representing positively by someone who looks the part of the President; clean, well dressed, and professional looking.
Politicians are taking it to the next level when it comes to how they are perceived by Americans. They are now seen as fashion icons and trendsetters. So next time you are flipping through your channels and come across a political debate take a minute to notice what they are wearing and whether or not this affects the way you, personally, perceive them.

Monday, September 22, 2008

argument of definition!

For my argument of defintion I choice an article I found online from the New York Times. The article is titled "The Claim: Grape Juice Has the Same Benefits as Red Wine." This article declares that grape juice, as well as wine and other alcohol, can reduce the risk of blood clots and prevent LDL, or "bad" cholesterol, from sticking to coronary arteries. This claim in proven through a test where 15 people with coronary arterie disease were served 2 servings of grape juice a day. After two weeks, these people had improved blood flow and reduced oxidation of LDL.
For my op-ed I choice to look at fashion and politics. How much does fashion truly impact us in who we vote and why we vote for someoe...does it even matter? I had picked out an article earlier which was all about Sarah Palin's glasses and how they are now in high demand and have become a new fashion trend. This proves that politics does impact us somewhat in our fashion industry, what I want to find out is how much this impacts us.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Argument of Fact

While looking through my Cosmopolitan magazine I found an article title 'This Shot Can Save Your Life'. This article was about a vaccine which is said to protect you from HPV. The article explains that it is approved for girls ages 9-26 and can even be beneficial to those older too; however, 78 percent of Cosmo readers have yet to get the vaccine. HPV, which can be linked to cervical cancer and genital warps, can be prevented by the vaccine even if you have not already had the STD. The article explains that some people believe the vaccine is only benefitting women who are not sexually active, however Dr. Harper declares that "it works just as well against the four HPV types that shot covers." The article also warns that there have been a small percentage of woman who have reactions to the shot. However, out of the "13 millions doses distributed to date, about 550 women have reported serious side effects"
I believe this article does a very good job of using facts and statistics in order to encourage women to take a vaccine which could prevent them from getting HPV and all of the other bad effects and diseases that come along with it.

Monday, September 15, 2008

my article and response!

Sarah Palin's glasses spark a new fashion craze

11:44 AM CDT on Wednesday, September 10, 2008

BY BLANCA CANTÚ / The Dallas Morning News

Sarah Palin’s popular one-liners aren’t the only things getting attention for the new vice-presidential candidate.

Customers around the country are trying to get their hands on a pair of Kawasaki eyeglasses like the ones Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin wears. Dallas boutique Image Eyewear on Oak Lawn is one of the few retailers where customers can find a pair. (DMN-Video/editing: Blanca Cantu)

Her glasses – model 704, No. 34 gray of the Kazuo Kawasaki eyewear collection – have sparked quite the craze among consumers who want to sport the Palin look, men and women alike.
Sue Hanson of Denton spotted the rimless titanium frames on John McCain’s vice-presidential pick last week when she accepted the nomination at the Republican National Convention. 
Ms. Hanson searched for a pair online and discovered that she could get her very own at an Oak Lawn boutique, Image Eyewear.
“I got a little obsessive about it,” Ms. Hanson said.
Jeff Brown, the store’s owner, said his phone has been ringing nonstop from people around the country looking to get in on the latest fashion trend.  Even other optical retailers have called wanting to know how they can add the collection in their stores.
“The exposure she has given to them is phenomenal,” Mr. Brown said.
The lightweight titanium frames retail at $375 and come in several colors.  The governor’s lenses were customized and are called the “SP” shape.  No word on whether that has anything to do with Gov. Palin’s growing popularity.
Anyone interested in getting a pair like Gov. Palin may have to wait.  As of Tuesday morning, Kawasaki was all out of No. 34 gray, Mr. Brown said.  Supplies may be replenished by the end of the week.
The outcome of the election could determine the staying power of this latest trend. 
Mr. Brown has his own prediction: “I expect it to be a very successful frame.”

My response:
Letter to the Editor
Dear Blanca Cantu,
I found your article ‘Sarah Palin’s glasses spark a new fashion craze’ to be quite amusing. While I have not yet personally fell for the so-called ‘craze’ I do find the glasses to be rather appealing, especially on her. It appears to me that many of the newspaper articles responding to Sarah Palin have been negative lately, which is why I took a personal interest in your article. While you never state your personal political views regarding Sarah Palin you do not bash her, or speak negatively on her family. It seems like everything I try to read has some sort of remark on Sarah Palin and her family and her responsibilities. I, personally, condemn Sarah Palin for her ability to raise a family of five and be the governor of Alaska. However, this is beside the point; it is so interesting to me that someone who is receiving quite a bit of bad publicity is actually beginning to start a new fashion trend. As a matter of fact, it is hard to believe that anybody running for office is starting a new fashion trend. One does not usually coincide fashion with politics. However, it is not just the celebrities who are scrutinized and examined according to their outfits. Everybody in the public eye is trying to be as fashionable as they know best. Especially in politics because who is going to want their next President to be a frumpy looking man or woman wearing sweat pants and an over sized t-shirt? The people who are going to be running our country are representing us, and, as Americans, we want those people to be looking clean, fashionable, and classy. Also, it’s amusing that it is not just merely the general public who are craving the new glasses Sarah Palin has made fashionable, even other members of office are following the trend; as you said, McCain’s vice presidential pick was spotted sporting the frames just last week. Clearly, politics affects us in more ways than just maintaining and running our country. For example, you mentioned a woman named Susan Hanson who has claimed that she “got a little obsessive about it”. She found online that she could get her very own pair at a boutique called Oak Lawn image eyewear. I can’t believe that, in your article, you stated that the owner, Jeff Brown, of the boutique has remarked that his phone has been ringing nonstop because the item is such a hot bid and everyone wants a pair for themselves. Also, it’s amazing that people who currently want to get a pair are having a hard time finding them because they are being taken as soon as they hit the shelves. It will be very interesting to find out if the glasses really are “SP” after Sarah Palin. If people are searching online and calling stores to find pairs of glasses similar to Sarah Palin, than she must be making a deep impact on American citizens, and she isn’t even our Vice President yet!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

chosen editorial: 'Sarah Palin's glasses spark a new fashion craze'

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

editorial topic!

While looking through the New York Times I found an article that was actually from the David Letterman show.  It was titled 'I Do Kind of Like that Sarah Palin'.  While I am not necessarily fairly interested in politics I do find the late night shows, which tend to focus around politics, to be rather amusing.  David Letterman makes remarks discussing McCain's old age.  He says that McCain is so old his "blood type has been discontinued".  Also, he says that New York City has caught "fashion fever" and that even "the Statue of Liberty earlier today was wearing a pair of those hip Sarah Palin glasses."  I intend to write my editorial letter based on fashion and humor in politics.  Especially by having a woman in involved, fashion is a huge aspect in politics.  While what they politicians are actually saying have the most importance, it would not sound as well or as educated if they were out in public speaking in a pair of sweat pants or jeans with holes everywhere in them.  Also, humor allows people who are not generally interested or involved in politics become more educated and involved.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My biggest issue with today!

I think a huge problem in our country that needs to be fixed is the amount of crime and the huge problem with gangs our nation is currently facing.  Growing up in Los Angeles and then moving to Dallas, I have experienced quite a bit of problems with crime.  In fact, how many of you know that the show "Cops" is actually filmed in Dallas?  That means that all of those crime scenes you have been watching on TV are happening only about an hour away from where you are sitting right now.  In reference to gangs, Dallas has less of a problem than Fort Worth!  Last year, while working on a research project, I discovered that Fort Worth has the number 3rd highest gang problem in Texas!  While I know these issues are more local than national I still think they are just as important as problems in our health care and social security.  While certain areas may not have already been directly affected by crime or gangs, I am willing to bet that someday everyone will encounter some sort of crime or gang scare.  I understand this is an issue that can not merely be fixed just by our country receiving a new President, however I hope whoever our new President may be will take this matter very seriously and I hope we will start to see changes in the youth of today.  I say the youth of today because through my research I have learned that almost all gang members are recruited at a very young age, and if America can do something to change the minds of children at a young age, than maybe one day the gang problem will be lifted and can become a thing of the past.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Logos article!

I choice an article from the newspaper titled "Decline in teen suicides has leveled, date suggests" for my logos argument.  Clearly, from the title alone, this is an article which is backed up by facts and statistics; which is what an argument from logos entails.  The article starts out by stating that data from 2005 suggested that the long-term decline in teen suicide rates throughout the 1990s and the early part of this decade may be nearing an end.  However, that prediction has been far from definitive.  The article remarks that from 1996 to 2003 suicide rates sloped downward.  Therefore, predictions were made that teen suicide rates were going to continue to go down.  However, the predicted rate of teen suicide was 3.8 deaths per 100,000 people; the actual rate was 4.49 deaths per 100,000 people.  In 2004 the predicted deaths was 3.96 per 100,000 people but was actually 4.74 deaths per 100,000 people.  While this article used mainly logos, or facts, to create an argument, there is also a certain amount of pathos being used in this article because speaking of teen suicides is going to, obviously, emit an emotional response as well.  The article furthers goes on to say that Food and Drug Administrations were ordered to place a "black box" warning on certain medications because experts speculated that anti-depressants could increase suicidal thoughts.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Arguments with Pathos

For my argument with pathos I choice an advertisement from the newspaper.  The advertisement had a picture of two older people, a man and a woman, on the edge of a dock over looking a lake with beautiful flower pots on the edge of the dock.  The advertisement was using pathos to try and encourage older people to "enjoy a new view of retirement living".  The advertisement showed all of the privileges of their retirement home as compared to others.  For example, this retirement home had a "carefree retirement living", "spacious apartments", "assisted living", and much, much more.  This article was appealing to people's emotions, first off, by the picture which catches your eye at first glance.  Two older folks looking through this newspaper would find this article very appealing because they see people just like them living a very peaceful lifestyle at a very relaxing retirement home.  In turn, they two will want to be living at this peaceful retirement home like the two people in the picture.  Also, when they further look at the advertisement they will see all the other things that are appealing to them, like the carefree living area and spacious apartments.  By focusing on the emotions and knowing what older folks are looking and striving for in a retirement home, this advertisement does an excellent job of trying to appeal to an elder age group of people.