Monday, September 8, 2008

My biggest issue with today!

I think a huge problem in our country that needs to be fixed is the amount of crime and the huge problem with gangs our nation is currently facing.  Growing up in Los Angeles and then moving to Dallas, I have experienced quite a bit of problems with crime.  In fact, how many of you know that the show "Cops" is actually filmed in Dallas?  That means that all of those crime scenes you have been watching on TV are happening only about an hour away from where you are sitting right now.  In reference to gangs, Dallas has less of a problem than Fort Worth!  Last year, while working on a research project, I discovered that Fort Worth has the number 3rd highest gang problem in Texas!  While I know these issues are more local than national I still think they are just as important as problems in our health care and social security.  While certain areas may not have already been directly affected by crime or gangs, I am willing to bet that someday everyone will encounter some sort of crime or gang scare.  I understand this is an issue that can not merely be fixed just by our country receiving a new President, however I hope whoever our new President may be will take this matter very seriously and I hope we will start to see changes in the youth of today.  I say the youth of today because through my research I have learned that almost all gang members are recruited at a very young age, and if America can do something to change the minds of children at a young age, than maybe one day the gang problem will be lifted and can become a thing of the past.


Justin S. said...

Actually Cops is filmed in whatever city they do a ride-along with. I agree that crime is a hot ticket item but gangs are not the highly organized crime syndicates they are made out to be. I do agree that the children in this country need to know some kind of disipline but we need to blame their parents not the kids. some parents need there ass kicked for letting their children act the way they do.

AlleOsborne said...

Yea its really sad that all those young kids get brought up and into that kind of environment. Hopefully the next president will help out with this.